Good Music = Good Work


Does music move you?

Are you more focused when you put on tunes?

[Comment below your best practice for music in the workplace]

For me I can’t focus if it has lyrics. That’s why my music of choice is strictly instrumental across all genres. And I really mean ALL genres. Classical one day, experimental rock the next.

If you’ve seen any startup movies, you see the trope of nerdy coders putting on their headphones and ‘getting into the flow’ — an uninterrupted period of time when they can really get to work. They only break to eat handfuls of nachos and candy bars.

It’s a tad bit different on the business end.

For Tula, you have a couple old-school corporate personalities, so they like the office to be really quiet. Sometimes it’s unnerving to head out in the hallway and enter the silence. Makes me laugh and say hi to everyone on my way to the bathroom. Just to break things up a bit.

So I think now would be a great time for a music quote. Because, you know, that’s what I do on this blog. Every post has to have one. I enjoy them.

This guy said a lot of smart things. His name was Albert Einstein.

If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.

I see my life in terms of music? 

I wish we could see what that looked like in his mind. Seeing people as music notes or thinking in 3/4? Who the heck knows.

For this short blog post, I thought it’d be fun to give you a band to listen at while you’re working away at your computer, commuting to the next big meeting, or crafting the perfect email for a potential investor.

Here’s a band you need to check out. They’re Totorro. (No it’s not My Neighbor Totoro — my favorite childhood movie)

If you’re a fan of math rock, prog rock, or post rock sounds, Totorro will give you some much needed joy into your life.

{Other bands that might tickle your fancy if you loved this : Chon, American Football, Maps and Atlases, and Covet}

Amigos, if you’re not doing this already, insert a few songs throughout your day. Step away from the desk and stretch out a little bit while listening to Totorro. Reset your brain. It can’t take the constant strain from screen time, nor can you plow through financial reports without taking the necessary breaks.

Do yourself a favor and relax a minute.

Found a great article for you to read on the topic:

Music helps productivity…because it makes your happier.

Listening to good music at work may or may not work for you, but I have found that startup life is much more bearable when I can let the music calm my troubled heart when appointments fall through or investors say “Nah, I’m good”.








Published by Morgan

owner at booth | helping lawyers reach more clients

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